By: Angele Thomas | Series: A Kids Book
Teams are everywhere, and you'll be a part of so many throughout your life!
A team is any group of people who have a shared passion or goal, and do you want to know something fun? Teams are EVERYWHERE. You're probably a part of more teams than you realize! You'll belong to lots of different teams throughout your life, so open this book to learn what makes a team most successful, and how you can best work with others to achieve awesome things!
Teams are everywhere, and you'll be a part of so many throughout your life!
A team is any group of people who have a shared passion or goal, and do you want to know something fun? Teams are EVERYWHERE. You're probably a part of more teams than you realize! You'll belong to lots of different teams throughout your life, so open this book to learn what makes a team most successful, and how you can best work with others to achieve awesome things!
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