(Please scroll down for English version


  1. 將書放入 Shopping cart之後,按 「Checkout」;
  2. 選擇「Ship」(香港大部分地區,購買金額滿HK$599 免運費,HK$599 以下統一收取HK$45 運費,運費詳情可以參考這裡。)
  3. 填好您的電郵地址,於地址欄輸入清楚學校名,地址,學校電話,聯絡人,以及聯絡人的手提電話;
  4. 付款時選擇 「支票Cheque (只限學校訂單 / School order only)」;
  5. school order payment method
  6. 按 「Complete Order
  7. 成功落單後,您會收到一封 Order Confirmation 的電郵。
  8. 我們收到訂單後,會致電學校確認,並電郵 invoice,請學校蓋印確認訂單;
  9. 收到學校蓋印的 invoice PDF 檔案後,如果全部是現貨產品 (產品頁面顯示 「In stock (現貨)」,可2-3個工作日內寄出圖書,附上蓋有公司印的實體 invoice。
  10. 貴校收到圖書後的一個月內經銀行過數或者郵寄支票給本司便可(請留意逾期付款將會有罰款)。我司收到支票或銀行過數後,會再郵寄回正式收據給貴校。
  • Email: hello@buybookbook.com
  • 學校訂單專線電話:+852 9668 3652

School orders can be placed directly on our website. You may follow the steps below:
  1. Put the books in the shopping cart and click “Checkout”;
  2. Select “Ship” as your delivery method (We offer free shipping for purchase amount above HK$599, Shipping Policy can be found here).
  3. Put your email address, and detailed information such as school name, address, contact person, mobile phone etc. in “shipping address”.
  4. Select “支票 Cheque (只限學校訂單)School order only)” as your Payment method.
  5. school order payment methods
  6. Click “Complete order”.
  7. You will receive a confirmation email if the order is placed successfully.
  8. Once we receive the order, we will call to the school for confirmation and email you an invoice in PDF.
  9. Please confirm the acceptance of the payment terms by signing the Invoice with the school stamp and send the PDF file to hello@buybookbook.com.
  10. If all the purchased items are in-stock items (product page shows "In stock (現貨)", we will dispatch the order in 2-3 working days after receiving the signed invoice. An invoice with our company stamp will be shipped together with the books.
  11. The school may pay by cheque or bank transfer within one month after receiving the books. (Overdue payments are subject to 0.1% per day charge on the outstanding amount)
  12. We will mail an official receipt to the school once the payment is received.
Please feel free to contact us with any enquiries. We can be reached by:
  • Email: hello@buybookbook.com
  • School-order direct line: +852 9668 3652