Bad Kitty Bundle #1 Very Bad Boxed Set (3 books)

Edition: 平裝書 Paperback
銷售價格HK$125.00 原價HK$189.00
Product Info
English Age 7 - 10
平裝書 Paperback 496 pages 14.0 x 3.3 x 21.6 公分
Approx. weight: 0.5 kg
Barcode: 9781250837240 Macmillan US

More books in English for Age 7 - 10


By: Nick Bruel | Age: 7-10 | English | Page: 496 | Paperback | 14 x 3.3 x 21.6 cm | Bad Kitty Series

Hack up those fur balls, sharpen those claws because we've got three Bad Kitty adventures coming your way in the Bad Kitty's Very Bad Boxed Set from bestselling children's book author Nick Bruel!

In Bad Kitty Gets a Bath, Kitty has to, well . . . take a bath. But she absolutely, positively doesn't want to! Young readers will be cracking up at the antics that ensue, and at the lively line art of frantic, bad Bad Kitty as she desperately, at times crazily, tries NOT to take a bath.

In Happy Birthday, Bad Kitty, Bad Kitty is back again and badder than ever. But it's party time now, and a new cast of kitties is coming over to celebrate in her second illustrated novel for young readers.

And lastly, in Bad Kitty vs the Babysitter (aka Bad Kitty vs Uncle Murray), Bad Kitty's antics continue as she prepares for a battle royale when Uncle Murray steps into the role of petsitter.

But wait, there's more! Included in the boxed set is a full size poster featuring the cover of Bad Kitty for President. So put your paws up and vote!

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