Author: Jory John | Illustrator: Pete Oswalk | Age: 4-8 | English | Page: 40 | Paperback | 23 x 27.9 x 0.5 cm
The “too-cool-for-school” third picture book from the #1 New York Times bestselling creators of The Bad Seed and The Good Egg, Jory John and Pete Oswald
Everyone knows the cool beans. They’re sooooo cool.
And then there’s the uncool has-bean . . .
Always on the sidelines, one bean unsuccessfully tries everything he can to fit in with the crowd—until one day the cool beans show him how it’s done.
With equal measures of humor, wit, and charm, the #1 New York Times bestselling duo Jory John and Pete Oswald craft another incredible picture book, reminding us that it’s cooler to be kind.
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「他們」裝扮入時,「他們」光彩奪目,「他們」風度翩翩,「他們」才藝非凡。而「我」,又老土又平凡又毫無過人之處,「我」羨慕超 Cool 的「他們」,但自卑的「我」卻不敢和「他們」成為朋友。然而,「他們」幾次不經意對「我」的幫助,令「我」突然明白了甚麼才是真正的 “Cool” ——不是外表不是裝扮也不是特長,而是——
“It’s about a wink or a nod or a smile at just the right moment. It’s about dusting somebody off, helping them up again, and pointing them in the right direction.”
關於Bad Seed 系列每本書的介紹,請參考這裡。
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