Author: Jory John | Illustrator: Pete Oswalk | Age: 4-8 | English | Page: Various | Paperback | 23 x 27.9 x 2 cm
★ A New York Times bestseller!
This bundle features the New York Times bestseller series of The Bad Seed, Good Egg, Cool Bean, Coach Potato and Smart Cookie !
With Jory John's charming and endearing text and bold expressive illustrations by Pete Oswald, here is The Bad Seed: set a funny yet touching stories that remind us of the remarkably transformative power of will, acceptance, and just being you. Perfect for young readers, as well as anyone navigating their current world, The Bad Seed series proves that positive change is possible for each and every one of us.
Boks in the Series:
- The Bad Seed
- The Good Egg
- The Cool Bean
- The Coach Potato
- The Smart Cookie
- The Sour Grape
- The Big Cheese
BuyBookBook 推薦理由
🤩那 Bad Seed 系列 📚一定首當其衝!
1. 故事緊貼時下生活,容易產生共鳴;
2. 故事背後蘊含深刻哲理;思想正面,充滿正能量;
3. 文字俏皮可愛,字字珠璣,充滿想象力;
4. 插圖生動活潑,充滿電影感,與文字配合得天衣無縫。
🌟#1 New York Times Bestselling Team
Jory John and Pete Oswald
🔥最新作品 —— 📕The Sour Grape🍇
🍭無論生活帶給你甚麼,“Try to stay sweet!”
🤓“You know what?
If you look at things in the right sort of way — and if you remember to be kind, considerate, forgiving, and grateful — life really can be pretty sweet.”
📕The Couch Potato 🥔
講述一個總是窩在沙發上沉迷電視、遊戲機,零食,飲料的小朋友,因為一次意外停電,不得不離開家,重新接觸大自然之後有所感悟,從此改變自己!對於現代人,尤其是 screen generation 來講,無論大人小孩,都有很大啟發!
“There’s a great big world out there… and I want to be a part of it. In person.”
📗The Bad Seed 😈
“All I can do is keep trying. And keep thinking…”
📘The Good Egg 🥚
身為一個很乖很正直又很樂於助人的小朋友,原本應該很不錯,但假如你身邊的同學們全部是毫無法紀的調皮鬼,你嘗試管理他們,嘗試維持秩序,卻徒勞無功,毫無辦法。你無法改變他們,又無法成為他們,還要被他們欺負。你格格不入,憂慮不已。What if being too good goes wrong? 這本書告訴你解決的辦法。
“Here’s what I realized: The other eggs aren’t perfect, and I don’t have to be, either. I am OK with that.”
📙The Cool Bean 😎
「他們」裝扮入時,「他們」光彩奪目,「他們」風度翩翩,「他們」才藝非凡。而「我」,又老土又平凡又毫無過人之處,「我」羨慕超 Cool 的「他們」,但自卑的「我」卻不敢和「他們」成為朋友。然而,「他們」幾次不經意對「我」的幫助,令「我」突然明白了甚麼才是真正的 “Cool” ——不是外表不是裝扮也不是特長,而是——
“It’s about a wink or a nod or a smile at just the right moment. It’s about dusting somebody off, helping them up again, and pointing them in the right direction.”
📕The Smart Cookie!🍪
“Sure, some things still don’t come as easily for me as they do for others.
But now I know that you can be smart in many different ways.
You just need a chance to try all kinds of things, to find out who you are and what you like to do.”
💪🏻總之,#1 New York Times Best Seller 當之無愧!
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