Safiyyah's War (Hiba Noor Khan)

Battle of Books 2024-2025

Edition: UK Paperback
銷售價格HK$67.00 原價HK$112.00
有存貨 - 3 個工作天內發貨
Product Info
English Age 9 - 12
平裝書 Paperback 336 pages 12.9 x 19.8 x 2.0 公分
Approx. weight: 0.27 kg
Publication date: 06 Jul,2023
Barcode: 9781839133138 Walker UK

More books in English for Age 9 - 12


Author: Hiba Noor Khan  |  English

Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal for Writing

'Safiyyah's War has the soul of a classic & the urgency of a story for our times. A tale of tolerance, unthinkable bravery, and heart-in-mouth true events. I loved this book' - Kiran Millwood Hargrave

'All at once, 
Safiyyah's War broke my heart and filled me with immense hope. With its unforgettable characters and exquisite storytelling, this really is an extraordinary book' - A F Steadman

'Safiyyah is a protagonist I was rooting for all throughout; a lovely, kind-hearted girl whose story filled me in turns with despair and joy. This book shines through with kindness and empathy at its very heart' - Nizrana Farook

War comes to the streets of Paris and Safiyyah’s life changes for ever.
Her best friend’s family have fled, and the bombing makes her afraid to leave the mosque where she lives. But when her father is arrested by the Nazis for his secret Resistance work, it falls to Safiyyah to run the dangerous errands around the city.
It’s not long before hundreds of persecuted Jews seek sanctuary at the mosque. Can Safiyyah find the courage to enter the treacherous catacombs under Paris and lead the Jews to safety?


About the Author

Hiba is the author of One HomeInspiring Inventors Who Are Changing Our Future, The Extraordinary Life of Malala Yousafzai,and the picture book The Little War Cat.Hiba has many strings to her bow: she’sa physics teacher and a recent GlobalDiplomacy graduate. Hiba is also an activist,she’s worked for The Children’s Societyas a Refugee Advocate and for the UnitedNations IOM on international developmentprojects. She’s also delivered humanitarianaid in Syrian refugee camps and worked onreforestation initiatives in Tanzania.

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