Author/ Editor: Rosie Dickins | Illustrator: Shaw Nielsen | Age: 7-11 Years | English | Page: 16 | Hardback | 27.6 x 21.6 cm | Lift-the-flap
Flaps to lift on every page reveal what goes on inside a computer, how coding works and how computers talk to each other across the internet. The principles of coding, from simple commands to algorithms, are explained with a treasure hunt game and puzzles, and there are examples of programs in the coding language Scratch™. Includes internet links to specially selected websites where children can discover more coding ideas, tips and games. Computer coding is now a compulsory topic on the UK National Curriculum for primary schools, and children learn to create and debug simple programs at Key Stage 1.
“Brings a really difficult topic to a level children can master.”
“A really first-class introduction for a wide age group.”
-Books for Keeps
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