Cómo sanarte cuando nadie más puede hacerlo / How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

Edition: US - Paperback / softback
銷售價格HK$102.00 原價HK$160.00
Product Info
Spanish Age Adult - Adult
304 pages 5.91 x 9.1 x 0.81 吋
Approx. weight: 0.73 lb
Publication date: 26 Jun,2018
Barcode: 9786073162890 Aguilar

More books in Spanish for Age Adult - Adult



By: Amy B. Scher    
Descubre cómo usar la curación intuitiva para eliminar los bloqueos, cambiar tu relación con el estrés y alinearte con quien realmente eres.

¿Por qué algunas personas sanan sus síntomas físicos y heridas emocionales mientras que otras no?

Sea usted mismo. Sea feliz. Se libre. Usando terapia energética y técnicas de curación emocional, Cómo curarse a sí mismo cuando nadie más puede le muestra cómo lograr una curación completa y permanente. La terapeuta energética Amy Scher presenta un enfoque de tres partes fácil de entender para usar la curación energética para eliminar bloqueos, cambiar su relación con el estrés y alinearse con quien realmente es.

Después de superar una enfermedad que amenazaba su vida, Amy tuvo la epifanía de que la curación es más que solo física: si tratar el cuerpo solo no resuelve el problema, entonces el cuerpo solo no lo creó. Su dramática historia sirve como un poderoso ejemplo de lo beneficioso que es abordar nuestras energías emocionales, particularmente cuando nada más funciona. Descubra áreas de desequilibrio que quizás ni siquiera sepa que tiene y formas fáciles de abordarlas en su viaje de curación.

Con este libro, trabajará a través de: experiencias no procesadas, creencias dañinas, patrones emocionales poco saludables y miedo. Ya sea que experimente síntomas físicos y una enfermedad crónica o simplemente se sienta perdido, triste, lleno de ansiedad o emocionalmente desequilibrado, este libro le mostrará cómo utilizar la autocuración intuitiva para cambiar su vida.



"This book is literally changing my life." -- Amazon reader

"Amy Scher is an inspiration, not just because she teaches us how to takehealing into our own hands, but because she's living proof that itworks."--Pam Grout, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared and E-Cubed

"My healing is happening!" -- Amazon reader

Be You. Be Happy. Be Free. Using energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to achieve complete and permanent healing. Energy therapist Amy Scher presents an easy-to-understand, three-part approach to using energy healing for removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are.

After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Amy had an epiphany that healing is more than just physical: If treating the body alone doesn't solve the problem, then the body alone isn't what created it. Her dramatic story serves as a powerful example of how beneficial it is toaddress our emotional energies, particularly when nothing else works.

Discover areas of imbalance you might not even know you have and easy ways to address them on your healing journey.

- Unprocessed experiences
- Harmful beliefs
- Unhealthy emotional patterns
- Fear (often described as anxiety)
- Whether you are experiencing physical symptoms and chronic illness or are just feeling lost, sad, full of anxiety, or emotionally unbalanced, this book will show you how to use intuitive self healing to change your life.


"Amy Scher has penned a remarkable book about the pivotal role of the body,mind, and spirit in attaining true and complete healing."--SANJIV CHOPRA, MD MACP, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, bestselling author of Brotherhood with Deepak Chopra

"Amy has seen the truth and can be a coach to all those who seek healing and authenticity." -BERNIE SIEGEL, MD bestselling author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, and The Art of Healing

"Amy Scher takes you on a guided journey to resolve emotional, physical, and energetic blockages that get in the way of true healing. You will feellike you have a loving expert coach by your side along the way."--HEATHER DANE, co-author with Louise Hay of Loving Yourself to Great Health

A Note From the Author:
How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can was born from my own healing journey of over ten years. When nothing worked to heal me from a list of chronic illnesses and conditions includingLyme disease, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, and anxiety, Ifinally had an epiphany: If treating the body alone doesn't solve the problem, then the body alone isn't what created it. This realization helped me take a sharp turn in a new direction andfinally address emotional baggage ("stress") in my body. It waslife-changing.

By clearing blocks using these powerful techniques, we are able to release all that no longerserves us, and become who we really are, instigating the body's powerful self-healing ability.

Are you ready to heal?
If you are ready to join thousands of others whose lives have been changed by Amy's healing approach, scroll up and buy this book today. Thesegentle yet effective techniques take only a few minutes to learn and can be used instantly.

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