Dinosaur Club: The Edmontosaurus Stampede

Edition: US - Paperback / softback
銷售價格HK$47.00 原價HK$70.00
Product Info
English Age 5 - 7
96 pages 5.3125 x 7.875 吋
Approx. weight: 0.81 lb
Publication date: 27 May,2025
Barcode: 9780593965252 DK Children

More books in English for Age 5 - 7


By: Rex Stone | Illustrator:  Louise Forshaw | Series: Dinosaur Club 
Travel through time to the world of the dinosaurs in this exciting prehistoric fiction series for children.

Jamie has just moved to Ammonite Bay, a stretch of coastline famous for its fossils. Jamie is a member of the Dinosaur Club—a network of kids around the world who love all things prehistoric. Jamie takes his tablet everywhere, just in case he needs to contact the Club.

Jamie is exploring Ammonite Bay when he meets Tess, a member of Dinosaur Club who lives in Ammonite Bay too. Tess shows Jamie her favorite place—a secret cave with fossils all over the walls. They go through a tunnel at the back and discover some dinosaur footprints. When they walk along them, the two new friends find themselves back in the time of the dinosaurs! It's amazing, but dangerous, too—they'll definitely need help from the Dinosaur Club...

In this fun, action-packed adventure, Jamie and Tess meet the hungry herbivore Edmontosaurus (ed-MONT-oh-SORE-us) and get caught in a stampede!

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