Age: 8+| English | Page: 300 | Paperback | 12.9 x 18 x 2.3 cm | STEAM Series
Help defend today's youth against the painful consequences of growing up, with this three-book boxed set that captures our ever-so-slightly subversive streak. This is pure, unfiltered Klutz, in a conventional paperback format. The Encyclopedia of Immaturity: Short Attention-Span EditionOnly the best and most essential life skills and activities from the best-selling two-set of encyclopedias. The Book of Inventions: Hall of Fame EditionThe most mind-blowing contraptions culled from our immature take on engineering. The Best Facts in the History of FactsAn all-new book of mind-blowing realities, guaranteed to provide a life-time of conversation starters. It's the truth's greatest hits, according to us. Create wonderful things - Be good - Have fun
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