Hung Hom Store CNY Open Hours

 [紅磡陳列室地方有限,主要供Pick Up訂單自取、及陳列新書及少量精選書籍(佔全部藏書不足5%)。建議大小朋友可以於本官網直接選購下單。

Hung Hom showroom is mainly for the collection of Pick Up orders. With more than 20,000 titles of in-stock selections, we can only display about 5% of our books at the showroom. Thus, it's suggested to browse and purchase books online for the best experience. ]

🏢 紅磡門店地址|Hung Hom Store address:

香港九龍紅磡⺠樂街 21 號富高工業中心 座 樓 31 

Unit 31, 5/F, Block B, Focal Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

📍Google Map (可於Google Map search "BuyBookBook" 找尋最佳路線)

🚇 最近地鐵站:黃埔站A出口

⏰ 開放時間  | Business Hours : 
Tue to Sat: 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Sun & Monday: Closed

💰 門店付款方式 | Payment Methods in physical store:
Visa, Master, PayMe, Octopus, Alipay, WeChat Pay, Cash


🅿️ 大廈有停車場(必須告知保安要上B座5樓31室買書書 才能使用)

 🚗 停車場收費:首30分鐘:HK$20,之後30分鐘:HK$20;再之後每個鐘:HK$40(請留意,1小時零1分都會計兩小時,即HK$80。)


🅿️ Car Park in the same building is available only when you inform the security that you are going to BuyBookBook at Unit 31, Block B. 


🚗 Car Park charge: HK$20 for the first 30 mins and HK$20 for the next 30 mins; then HK$40 for the following each hour (e.g. HK$80 for 1 hr 1 minute.)

如有查詢請聯絡我們運費  如何購買  學校訂單  常見問題

Please contact us with any enquiries. 


Shipping Policy  How to Order  School Orders  FAQs