凡購買任何3件圖書類產品 (當中最少一件為DK圖書), 可免費換領1本DK English for everyone 筆記簿。
- 把3件圖書加到購物車
- 把此禮品加到購物車
- 購物車中的禮品將自動免費
- 每張訂單只限換購1個。
Purchase any 3 units books (where at least one of them is from DK圖書), get a DK English for everyone notebook for Free.
- Add any 3 units of books to the Shopping Cart
- Add this premium to the Shopping Cart
- The premium in the Shopping Cart will be Free.
- Max. 1 redemption per order.
If books from your shopping carts are also eligible for other promotion, the system will will prioritise the promotion that can generate better discount.
如果購物車內的書同時可以應用到另一個優惠活動, 系統將會自動優先把優惠應用到能節省更多的書本 / 贈品上。