
語音光碟 (英文) Audio Disc (English)

108 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 108 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 108 products
Little Princess Audio Set - 買書書 BuyBookBook
Little Princess Book + CD Set
Sale priceHK$299.00 Regular priceHK$999.00
In stock
10 Minutes to Bed Book and CD collection - 買書書 BuyBookBook
10 Minutes to Bed Book and CD collection
Sale priceHK$159.00 Regular priceHK$490.00
In stock
Peppa Pig Paperback and CD Collection (13 Books & 2-CD collection) Penguin UK
Peppa Pig Paperback and CD Collection (13 Books & 2-CD collection)
Sale priceHK$379.00 Regular priceHK$650.00
In stock
The Magic School Bus Classic Collection (6 book + 6 CD) Scholastic
The Magic School Bus Classic Collection (6 book with Storyplus QR code audio)
Sale priceHK$299.00 Regular priceHK$469.99
In stock
Roald Dahl Audio Collection (29 CD) (10 audio Books)-Fiction: 經典傳統 Classic & Traditional-買書書 BuyBookBook
Roald Dahl Audio Collection (29 CD) (10 audio Books)
Sale priceHK$599.00 Regular priceHK$1,488.00
In stock
Harry Potter The Complete Book + CD Mega Bundle (7 Books + 103 Audio CDs) (J.K. Rowling) Bloomsbury
Clifford Big Red Adventure Set (10 Books with CD & QR code) - 買書書 BuyBookBook
Clifford Big Red Adventure Set (10 Books with CD & QR code)
Sale priceHK$259.00 Regular priceHK$387.00
In stock
Pocketful of Songs, A (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) - 買書書 BuyBookBook
Pocketful of Songs, A (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$121.00 Regular priceHK$180.00
In stock
David Shannon Deluxe Collection (10 Books + 2 CD) (David Shannon) Scholastic
David Shannon Deluxe Collection (10 Books + 2 CD) (David Shannon)
Sale priceHK$424.00 Regular priceHK$667.00
In stock
Room on the Broom (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) (Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
Room on the Broom (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) (Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$98.00
In stock
Princess in Black, The #04-06 (Audio CD) (Shannon Hale) (Dean Hale) PRHUS
Princess in Black, The #04-06 (Audio CD) (Shannon Hale) (Dean Hale)
Sale priceHK$99.00 Regular priceHK$135.00
In stock
Breaking Bad: The Complete Series Barrel Blu-ray (Region A, 2014) - 買書書 BuyBookBook
Breaking Bad: The Complete Series Barrel Blu-ray (Region A, 2014)
Sale priceHK$1,999.00 Regular priceHK$3,600.00
In stock
Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories (Retold by Elli Woollard) (Book & CD) Macmillan UK
Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories (Retold by Elli Woollard) (Book & CD)
Sale priceHK$75.00 Regular priceHK$109.00
In stock
117-Storey & 130-Storey Treehouse CD Set (Treehouse Series #09-10) (Andy Griffiths) (CD only, without book) Macmillan UK
Creature Choir, The (David Walliams) (Paperback book with CD)(Tony Ross) Harpercollins (UK)
Creature Choir, The (David Walliams) (Paperback book with CD)(Tony Ross)
Sale priceHK$64.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
The Chronicles of Narnia (Audio CD) (7 CDs) Harpercollins US
The Chronicles of Narnia (Audio CD) (7 CDs)
Sale priceHK$449.00 Regular priceHK$676.00
In stock
65-Storey & 78-Storey Treehouse CD Set (Treehouse #05-06)(Andy Griffiths)(CD only, without book) Macmillan UK
The Ugly Five (Book with CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Scholastic UK
The Ugly Five (Book with CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
91-Storey & 104-Storey Treehouse CD Set (Treehouse #07-08)(Andy Griffiths)(CD only, without book) Macmillan UK
The Wonky Donkey (Book with CD) Scholastic
The Wonky Donkey (Book with CD)
Sale priceHK$58.00 Regular priceHK$90.00
In stock
The Highway Rat (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)-Fiction: 兒童繪本 Picture Books-買書書 BuyBookBook
The Highway Rat (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)
Sale priceHK$73.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
The Girl, the Bear and the Magic Shoes (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) Macmillan UK
The Girl, the Bear and the Magic Shoes (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$90.00
In stock
Tabby McTat (Book with CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Scholastic UK
Tabby McTat (Book with CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
Princess in Black, The #01-03 (Audio CD) (Shannon Hale) (Dean Hale) PRHUS
Princess in Black, The #01-03 (Audio CD) (Shannon Hale) (Dean Hale)
Sale priceHK$103.00 Regular priceHK$135.00
In stock
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$97.00
In stock
The Rhyming Rabbit (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson) Macmillan UK
The Rhyming Rabbit (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$90.00
In stock
The Gruffalo Song and Other Songs (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
The Gruffalo Song and Other Songs (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$81.00 Regular priceHK$121.00
In stock
David's Colorful World Collection (5 Book + 1 CD) (David Shannon) Scholastic
David's Colorful World Collection (5 Book + 1 CD) (David Shannon)
Sale priceHK$219.00 Regular priceHK$239.00
In stock
Harry Potter The Complete Audio Collection #1-7 (103 Audio CDs) (J.K. Rowling) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter The Complete Audio Collection #1-7 (103 Audio CDs) (J.K. Rowling)
Sale priceHK$2,699.00 Regular priceHK$5,850.00
In stock
Harry Potter #02 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #02 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$215.00 Regular priceHK$420.00
In stock
Harry Potter #05 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #05 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$549.00 Regular priceHK$920.00
In stock
Harry Potter #07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$479.00 Regular priceHK$960.00
In stock
Harry Potter #03 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #03 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$245.00 Regular priceHK$480.00
In stock
Harry Potter #06 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #06 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$409.00 Regular priceHK$804.00
In stock
Harry Potter #01 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #01 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$199.00 Regular priceHK$384.00
In stock
Harry Potter #04 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Audio CD) Bloomsbury
Harry Potter #04 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Audio CD)
Sale priceHK$429.00 Regular priceHK$670.00
In stock
Jack and the Flumflum Tree (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) Macmillan UK
Jack and the Flumflum Tree (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$90.00
In stock
First Little Comics Guided Reading Lv E & F (16 book + 1 CD) Scholastic
First Little Comics Guided Reading Lv E & F (16 book + 1 CD)
Sale priceHK$149.00 Regular priceHK$234.00
In stock
Treasury of Songs, A (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) (Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
Treasury of Songs, A (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson) (Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$85.00 Regular priceHK$129.00
In stock
Monkey Me #02 and the Pet Show (Book + CD) (Branches) Scholastic
Monkey Me #02 and the Pet Show (Book + CD) (Branches)
Sale priceHK$55.00 Regular priceHK$72.00
In stock
The Gruffalo's Child (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
The Gruffalo's Child (Book + CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
David's Wonderful Times (5 Book + 1 CD) (David Shannon) Scholastic
David's Wonderful Times (5 Book + 1 CD) (David Shannon)
Sale priceHK$219.00 Regular priceHK$299.00
In stock
Horton Hears a Who! (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss) Harpercollins (UK)
Horton Hears a Who! (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss)
Sale priceHK$59.00 Regular priceHK$96.00
In stock
Fox in Socks (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss) Harpercollins (UK)
Fox in Socks (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss)
Sale priceHK$59.00 Regular priceHK$96.00
In stock
The Gruffalo (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK
The Gruffalo (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$90.00
In stock
The Scarecrows' Wedding (Book with CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Scholastic UK
The Scarecrows' Wedding (Book with CD)(Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler)
Sale priceHK$79.00 Regular priceHK$108.00
In stock
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss) Harpercollins (UK)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Book with CD)(Dr. Seuss)
Sale priceHK$64.00 Regular priceHK$96.00
In stock
Room on the Broom and Other Songs (Book + CD) (Julia Donaldson)(Axel Scheffler) Macmillan UK

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